Thursday, December 25, 2014

Cosmetic Breast Surgery Treatments Guide for Every Woman

Cosmetic breast surgery can be performed for several reasons like enlarging or reducing the size, giving better shape, or making them look more plumped and perky. Therefore, there are mainly three different options for cosmetic surgery treatments and fortunately, all are available in London through numerous clinics on Harley Street. These three are breast augmentation surgery, breast reduction surgery, and breast lift surgery. This guide is for every woman not happy with her physical femininity to let her learn the different options she has and to answer her concerns about the procedure, precautions and perils of cosmetic breast surgery as well as its cost in London clinics.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Reviews: What’s everyone saying about BOTOX

Wonder what people think of Botox? Celebs may love it (or hate it), but let’s find out what people like you and me think about having this amazing multi-purpose treatment. Here we have compiled some of worth-sharing opinions of patients who’ve had Botox injections and let’s see what they say.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Where Botox is heading in the next five years?

Every medical procedure has evolved from a progressive past to come under practice owing to their certain benefits. When it comes to aesthetic medicine, we see a lot of people looking to improve their looks by having procedures which may pose potential health risks. Health governing authorities such as NHS in the UK have made regulations that guide cosmetic doctors on practising those cosmetic treatments. New studies and researches are being conducted to uncover more impacts on how new techniques can provide further impact in our lives. That’s what happening in present, but what future holds, one can only speculate by analysing current happenings and trends.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Medical uses of Botox

Botulinum toxin or commonly known as Botox is a neurotoxin used to paralyze muscular activity. It’s been more than hundred years since this product is under research and in the last 3 decades, Botox has been popularized mainly for its aesthetic usage.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Who are Cosmetic Surgery ‘Cowboys’ and why you should avoid them?

Cosmetic surgery is a huge industry in the UK. These procedures are clearly not limited to celebrities only as more than 50,000 procedures were performed in 2013 alone with a rise of 17% from last year according to The Guardian. The demand for cosmetic treatment services is only increasing, but how many of us can ensure that their procedure is being done in safe hands? Having a procedure by a cosmetic cowboy is a huge risk and something that should be completed avoid.