Friday, January 23, 2015

A Walkthrough for Cheek Enhancement Treatments

The general, universal consensus says people are young until they reach 40. However, what most people do not realize is, we begin to age while still in our 20s. A number of factors contribute to this process, including lifestyle choices which cause ageing signs, loss of radiance and volume, and the appearance of wrinkles, in addition to internal body mechanisms, such as the loss of filler components like collagen and hyaluronic acid.

Every passing year then, from our mid-20s through the rest of our lives, causes our skin to appear saggy and slightly older, while the very structure and shape of our face is changed. An attractive appearance is largely due to the balance of volume under the facial skin, and is usually defined by such factors as:

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Remedies for Bruxism: From Mouth Guard to Botox Injections

Botox is a relatively new treatment option for bruxism or teeth grinding problem. There are many other older remedies like mouth guards available that can protect your teeth from the effects of bruxism. Botox, however, is the only one that can stop you from grinding your teeth unconsciously. But Botox has not yet been approved by British Dental Health Foundation for treatment of bruxism in the UK.

This is the reason The Bruxism Association will not provide you any guidance in finding the Botox clinic for Bruxism in the UK and you’ll have to search on your own. Why Botox has not yet been approved and whether you can have it as a treatment option or not are questions that can only be answered if you know the causes of Bruxism. Let’s learn about them first