Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Justifying the use of medicinal marijuana

Not long ago the mere mention of Marijuana was enough to send alarms buzzing and conjure up images of apprehension and subsequent incarceration. The cannabis plant from which marijuana is derived has been used medicinally by various cultures for thousands of years but its use in the modern times have been laced with controversy. A pertinent question that arises here is what are the medical benefits of marijuana and why is it so persecuted by the authorities and medical faculties? The aim of this article is to delve into unbiased assessment of the fabled marijuana and scientifically gauge various claims that its fervent proponents pose in its favor.

Marijuana is actually dried leaves and flowers of the cannabis plant also called the hemp plant. These leaves have biologically active compounds called cannabinoids. These cannabinoids have the tendency to exert various effects on human behavior as they interact with receptors. These receptors (CB1) are found on cells in brain and in the spinal cord. CB2 receptors are mostly located in various immune cells. Of the 66 cannabinoids, the most potent is THC or delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol.

How valid are claims of medicinal benefits of marijuana?

When cannabis is introduced to our system, the body produces molecules called endocannabinoids which interact with both the receptors producing the “high” sensation. This euphoric and enraptured state renders our senses dull and immune to various symptoms. For starters this proves the efficacy of marijuana to alleviate nausea and vomiting like symptoms which cancer patients experience during chemotherapy.

Cannabis can increase appetite

Cannabinoid THC can mimic the behavior of endogenous substances naturally found in the body. This in turn stimulates the CB1 receptors which populate various parts of the body that control eating behavior. Clinical studies have proven that a cannabis based drug called dronabinol when given to Cancer and HIV patients increased their appetite and food consumption. For a healthy person cannabis inhalation can lead to urge to consume fatty and sweet food which are rich in calories.

Pain relief

Smoking cannabis has been proven to reduce pain and improve sleep. It has the tendency to relax muscles through its high state. The latter has been proven by a study conducted by American Cancer Society. People suffering from multiple sclerosis were given cannabis in liquid form with heavy concentration of THC. The patients stated experiencing a significant decline in muscle spasm and bodily shaking.

Why use of marijuana is opposed by authorities and medical faculties?

These are just three very obvious medicinal benefits of marijuana. There are countless other benefits which I can’t jot down here due to time and space constraints. Now to answer the question why is marijuana looked down upon by authorities and medical faculties! The reason put forth by opponents of marijuana use is that it can become addictive and cause dependency. Most non-medicinal marijuana users are prone to abusing and overusing it which can cause memory lapses and erratic emotional behavior.

The debate of marijuana legalization and its use is a hotly contested topic which has divided opinion base. The proponents of its use claim that the benefits outweigh the almost negligible side effects and minor concerns put forth by authorities and medical faculties whereas the latter stick to their guns and claim there’s no way to draw a distinguishable line between genuine use and abuse.